Sunday, December 18, 2011

Crowdtap Old Navy Bundle Up Bash!!!

I've enjoyed another Old Navy party!!!  Same info as before:  "I belong to an online group called Crowdtap.  Please read more information about it here: Crowdtap  One of the great things about it, you give your opinion, answer questions, participate in discussions, and then you raise money for charities.  I picked the Nature Conservatory.  There are about 5 options, all good choices of course!  :)

Another perk is participating in targeted discussions, some of my faves are to talk about Old Navy products.  I was recently approved to join an Old Navy Sample Share, basically I was mailed a coupon, 1 for me 1 for a friend, for a FREE pair of JEANS!!!  And so I/we headed to Old Navy to do some shopping!"

This one was for a Women's Winter Pant, Winter Sweater, and Winter Accessory!  AND I got to invite 3 friends with me :)  I invited my sister, Liz, my coworker Marchelle, and her daughter Toni.  It was a good time :)
me with the new jeans and new shirt!

We met early on Sunday December 11th at Old Navy.  None of us were all that awake yet (mostly me...not a morning person at all!), but we still made it work to check out everything in the store and try on some fun stuff!


We started out in the jeans section, they have some nice selections now!  Colored jeans, I found some pretty reds!  Too bad none my size.  I ended up buying a (super soft) pair of blue Rockstar Super Skinny jeans!  I already have a pair in black that I love to wear, and these looked super cute!  I didn't even realize what they were when I picked them up!  These are great for wearing with boots or flats, so thats what I am doing this winter!  Now I have 3 pairs (of ON jeans) that look great with my boots :)

This is my sister in a nice red sweater and black cords!  Very nice. I didn't even know there were corduroys at Old Navy.

Marchelle's daughters

This is my friend playing around with the cart.  I thought it looked funny.   Now she just looks crazy :-P

Her daughters joined us for the day.  Her little girl is all dressed up in the cutest pink jacket!  And some nice fleece hat and scarf!

Her oldest daughter and I tried on the same sweater.  We both agreed the grey version looks the best!
Marchelle bought the teal sweater

Liz got this whole comfy outfit :)
I guess I don't have any other photos with me.  Oh well, this is my sister -->
in what she got.  Loves her fleece scarf!  Very warm.

<---Marchelle got the teal sweater and it looks great!

We had so much fun and I am really looking forward to another party!!!